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Many people have asked me where the name "Neon Flamingo Designs" came from. In the mid 1980s, when I was doing a lot of business travel for my day job, I thought it would be fun to have something to collect, an easy-to-find souvenir from those trips. Having long had a fondness for art deco, flamingos seemed like a good idea.

Since then, my collection has grown by leaps and bounds! When I get some good pictures of my collection, I'll put them here to share.

Many of my friends see flamingos in their travels and send me pictures:

I am not alone with this obsession! There are a number of Web sites devoted to the fabulous pink bird! While I was looking for these sites, I found two great quotes:

When I realized that I shared my name with a group of flamingos, I decided that I was destined to collect them!

I'm not the only person who likes needlework and flamingos

And some good, old-fashioned ASCII art

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For more information, contact Neon Flamingo Designs

Copyright ©1996-2003 Patricia Timpanaro
All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: November 23, 2004