The Merrimack Valley Chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild of America |
The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc. (EGA) is a non-profit organization chartered to further the art of the embroidery. EGA defines embroidery as stitching done using a needle with an eye. You do not have to be an expert stitcher to be a member. We invite anyone who shares our love of embroidery to join us. Our members range from beginning cross stitchers to experienced teachers and designers.
The Merrimack Valley Chapter meets once a month to stitch together and expand our horizons. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Tewksbury Congregational Church in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. In addition to our monthly evening meetings, we have a biennial two-day seminar in even-numbered years and a one-day workshop in odd-numbered years. Click on the links in this paragraph to see pictures and descriptions of the programs we have planned.
If you like what you see and would like to join the chapter, send email to our Membership Chairman. Annual dues are $38.00, which includes your national dues and a subscription to Needle Arts, the quarterly national magazine.
If you like what you see, but want to get to know us before joining, we invite you to join us a guest at one of our meetings. Send email to our Program Chairman if you'd like to register for one of the programs. Click on this link for directions to the Tewksbury Congregational Church.